casual sex

Pleasing A Woman The question of how to please a woman has been on men’s minds since the dawn of time. Wrapping our minds around the necessary tasks to complete in a day is demanding enough, but then, at the very end of the day, we have to deal with the whole abstract concept of […] Read More

Successful One Night Stand As men, underneath all the myriad of notions in our mind, there tends to be concept tying them all together. We’re talking about sex, of course. Good old traditional intercourse, the tried and true act of hanky panky. No matter how hard we try to escape this, we can’t get away […] Read More

Having a hard time getting over your breakup? Maybe some casual sex is all that you need. If you’ve ever had trouble coping with a breakup and considering using casual sex to help you get through the process, our team can help you with your first encounter and give you the lowdown on what to […] Read More

Take advantage of our dating advice to find booty calls and casual encounters as soon as possible Not ready to commit to a real relationship? Asking yourself where to find casual encounters? There are plenty of ways to find no strings fun using Australian online dating services, but you’re going to need to know what […] Read More

Our Belfast, UK experts explore casual sex dating strategies for those looking to have some light, fulfilling fun Serious relationships are beneficial in their own right, but sometimes keeping things casual is the best option. There’s plenty of fun to be had outside of serious relationships and when done right, you can experience an equal […] Read More

Impress Britains On A First Date Ok, so you’ve finally used your favorite online hookup platform and netted a date with a girl you think seems super interesting. That’s a good first step, but there still remains the matter of actually going on the date, and making it so that the date goes exceptionally well. […] Read More

Looking to score some booty? Read this first. There are a lot of scam dating sites out there which are looking to screw you instead of getting you laid. While the majority at least attempt to provide a good service, a small minority use whatever tactics necessary to get you to sign up for their […] Read More

Best Locations To Meet Someone When it comes to local casual hookupse, the importance of which location you choose for your date can not be understated. Living in the UK, with all assortments of options available to singles looking to hookup, there’s no excuse for picking an unworthy date location. UL women in particular, who […] Read More

Intimate Encounters In Australia Living in the internet era, we are lucky enough to have a host of options for getting laid online right at our very fingertips, while sitting on our comfiest computer chair. It’s great to be able to bypass the tedious process of going out and chatting up girls in person. While […] Read More